May 3, 2022Liked by Stone Age Herbalist

If this is true:

To paraphrase a Discover Magazine article from 2002 - the results showed he was not a match for anyone, alive or dead, on earth.

Then these people predate those who were called Aborigines by the British and were perhaps wiped out by them?

Your article is very interesting but perhaps teeters precariously toward 'academese' which is the fear of committing to a point of view, unless it can be categorically, and in this age, politically correctly 'proven.'

However, it would be a good idea, for the general public, to offer some explanation of the focus you are taking. Nothing has to be proven but to have some understanding of the 'goal' or thoughts or perceptions, you have in mind would help the reader to collate the material.

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Apr 24, 2022Liked by Stone Age Herbalist

More great material on weird Australia here for those interested: https://web.archive.org/web/20190522053953/http://www.warriors.egympie.com.au/

"… watch over everybody… they are boss men… see everyone and everywhere with spirit powers… Man’ngur, he fix body sickness with herbs and magic waters. Kgun’diri is special spirit man… teaches good things… he go places without moving… can sleep sitting up. Eyes will roll this way and that. Sometimes disappear into head to look into spirit… uses special magic… put spirit hand in body and make it shiver like cold. Bad spirits fly away pretty quick. He make dream medicine from sacred plants and sing good ancestor healing songs… you become well. No one knows much about them any more…”

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Apr 23, 2022Liked by Stone Age Herbalist

I had no clue you had a substack, your twitter threads are great. This was an excellent read

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Apr 22, 2022Liked by Stone Age Herbalist

I'm usually a fan of your work and while this is interesting, there seems to be a study saying pygmies and Tasman's aren't related to Negrito peoples but to aboriginals?


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