Progressives are anything but, they are both the most useless and dangerous group- they most certainly are not improving a damn thing but their own status.

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Sep 21, 2022Liked by Stone Age Herbalist

Human sacrifice has a very long history, having occurred in many societies in human history. It is comforting to think of it as something that just happened in the past, but the horrifying reality is that the reasons that produce it still exist. (Well, apart from mass human sacrifices that you eat because your civilisation doesn’t have any domesticated herbivores.)

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Sep 21, 2022Liked by Stone Age Herbalist

Incredibly disturbing

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Having lived in four African countries one thing I do know is that witchcraft is alive and well. Unfortunately it has been woven into fundamentalist Christianity, thanks to the boisterously devoted American evangelicals who litter the subcontinent. It is a particularly nasty combination.

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Thank you for bringing this to our attention. I would be remiss to mention from personal experience that whites engage in unspeakable evil against children as well. But instead of trying to appease Gods or deities, they do it to gain educational or vocational opprotunities. Child abuse and sacrifice is financially incentivized in cult affiliated families. From the Finders to the Ninth Circle, and pockets of sordid horrors dotting the 'civilized' world everywhere in between. Old world aims in Liberal World Order wrappings. You don't have to look hard to find it:


I am also reminded of a story from 2020 that was viral for a while:


People have more visceral reactions to animal abuse than child abuse. Smells like racism, some said. The number one rule of the internet is purportedly don't mess with cats. It saddens me that humans are carte blanche. 'Useless eaters' preventing the world from reaching Net Zero ou-topos...

That being said, I'm highly doubting 'diversity is our strength' and is instead part of our orchestrated undoing.








I'm sorry for the link overload. I feel the threads weave a tapestry you have to have a 30,000 foot view from to appreciate.

No one likes being told problems while providing no solutions. I feel some solutions are the decentralization of power and return to our constitutional republic. Red, God-fearing states secede (read: succeed) and get off the globalist teat and ignore alphabet agency edicts. (WEF, WHO, IMF, ZOG in general, ect.)


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Where are these quotes from?

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Human sacrifice is the most important sacrifice in black magik rituals. Although wicca may only speak of candles, charms and herbs, continued interest in this occult path inevitably ends with witchcraft and its two perverse communion/sacrificial elements: blood and semen. The more valued the request, the higher hierarchical position of the demon to whom the ritual sacrifice is being addressed, the more perverse the sexual act and/or the more life-threatening the blood offering.

As one dissipated follower of warlock and Satanist Alistar Crowley put it, "all magik ends up with a mouthful of sperm". To that, it seems that we are adding more and more "milk carton kids" every year.

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Oct 12, 2022·edited Oct 12, 2022

I would love it if you went back to reading these and making podcast episodes out of these topics as you have in the past. You are such a good resource and great to listen to.

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